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Perserve Legacy.
Serve Community.

The Future of Body Camp

The Body Camp Community Center Initiative is a project of the Bedford Community Coalition. The group aims to convert Body Camp School into a community resource hub and ensure the preservation of a community that has been a part of the fabric of Bedford for over two hundred years. The community center would offer diverse range of after-school programs, activities, professional classes, a children's library, public park, fitness classes and family resource center with a fresh food pantry. However, the Board of Supervisors is currently planning to liquidate the property and allow it to be used as a commercial/utility staging site.

Despite some public discourse,


Now is the time to speak up!

Updates and Notices

BCC is Strengthed

April 15, 2024

At the heart of every successful community initiative lies collaboration and support from local organizations dedicated to a common cause. The Bedford Community Coalition (BCC) is proud to announce the unwavering support it has received from esteemed local nonprofits such as the Sedalia Center, One Forest School, Bedford County Fair, Bedford Get Together, and many others.

These partnerships bolster the BCC's efforts in preserving the cultural heritage and enhancing the well-being of Bedford communities and its citizens. By joining forces with these reputable organizations, the coalition gains valuable insights, resources, and perspectives, strengthening its collaborative approach to community development.

Led by individuals deeply rooted in the Body Camp community and surrounding areas, the BCC brings together decades of cumulative nonprofit experience, community organizing, event planning, and business acumen. This diverse leadership ensures that the coalition is equipped with the skills and passion necessary to navigate the complexities of preserving Bedford's communities and serving all its citizens.

Exploring Funding Options for Community Revitalization: A Missed Opportunity for Body Camp School

April 2, 2024

When it comes to revitalizing communities, exploring all available funding options is crucial to ensure the success and sustainability of the project. Unfortunately, this critical step was overlooked prior to the listing of the Body Camp School for liquidation or development.

The Bedford Community Coalition (BCC) has been proactive in seeking out various public and private funding programs that could be utilized to transform the Body Camp School into a much-needed community center. These programs offer invaluable resources and financial support that could breathe new life into an area that currently lacks essential community resources.

By engaging with numerous public and private programs, the BCC aims to harness the potential of these funding sources to create a vibrant hub of activity and support for the Body Camp community and surrounding areas. From grants to private donations, there are countless avenues to explore in order to realize the vision of a thriving community center.

It's clear that the potential for revitalization at Body Camp School is vast, and with the support of these funding options, the BCC is determined to make this vision a reality. By leveraging available resources and forging partnerships, we can unlock the full potential of this historic landmark and create a lasting legacy for generations to come without burdening local tax payers.

Board of Supervisors look to "Liquidate" Body Camp School

March 10, 2024

At present, the Bedford County Board of Supervisors is actively exploring options regarding the future of the historic Body Camp Elementary School, contemplating a potential sale or liquidation of the site. Among the considered proposals is the sale of the property to Zitel, a decision that raises concerns within the community. If finalized, this sale could result in the permanent removal of essential community services and sites, diminishing the integral fabric of the Body Camp community. The potential consequences extend beyond the transaction itself, as the sale may not align with the community's best interests, raising questions about the long-term impact on the historical and cultural identity of this significant African American community in Bedford County. As a community, we must engage in a dialogue and advocate for solutions that preserve our rich heritage and ensure the continued well-being of Body Camp. 

Divesting or Investing is the fiscally responsible option

March 6, 2024 

Maintaining the Body Camp Elementary School site as a county resource or divesting it to the community to establish a Community Service Hub is not only a matter of cultural preservation but also a fiscally responsible decision. The historical significance of the site, deeply rooted in the African American community, underscores its value as an asset that can be repurposed to benefit the entire county. By retaining the property, the Bedford County Board of Supervisors has the opportunity to create a central hub for community services, offering a cost-effective solution that addresses the needs of the underserved area. Divesting to the community would not only preserve the historical legacy of Body Camp but also save millions in potential future expenses, as it eliminates the necessity to purchase new property and construct a facility from scratch. This strategic approach aligns with prudent fiscal responsibility, ensuring the efficient use of resources while simultaneously empowering and uplifting the community through a thoughtfully repurposed and community-driven initiative.

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